
Electronification of Penitentiary Institutions

The Client: The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Ministry of Justice of  Azerbaijan is a governmmental agency within the Cabinet of Azerbaijan  in charge of regulation of the justice system, overseeing the public prosecutor, maintaining the legal system and public order and instituting law reforms.


Business challenges

There was a need to establish electronic coordination between penitentiary institutions in Azerbaijan, as well as other places related to these institutions. In order to make all processes more transparent and faster, there was a need to move from paper documents to electronic activities. One of the main challenges here is to achieve full transparency in all service activities in penitentiaries, which are an important part of the justice system.



ED has achieved the electronization of 90% of the work of penitentiary institutions based  main principles of the project implemented by the World Bank in the justice system of Azerbaijan. The new solution introduced by ED was the electronization of paper and oral processes. Thus, the work of penitentiaries has been fully electronic and a fast, accurate and transparent exchange of information has been established between them

Business value

ED’s computerization system for penitentiaries has introduced a number of new solutions.

  • The work of penitentiaries has shifted from paper and oral form to electronic.
  • The time spent on information exchange in all business activities was minimized and full transparency was ensured.
  • Instant and electronic communication was provided between penitentiaries, as well as with their facilities.


  • TicketService 
  • AppealService 
  • AccountService. 
  • ApiService 
  • AuthService 
  • FAQService 
  • NotificationService 
  • ReportService 
  • DictionaryService