
Creation of a Centralized Registry of Tax Exemptions

Client Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance is the central executive body that implements financial policy in Azerbaijan and oversees public finances. One of the Ministry’s key missions is the development and implementation of financial policy.

Business challenge

The Ministry of Finance needed to computerize a wide variety of paper applications for tax exemptions and customs relief. The use of information technology would speed up the application and decision-making process.


ED created a registry that integrates with the systems of the relevant agencies for e-applications and has access to the necessary information. The centralized registry allows the determination of actual budget losses for each type of discounted tax and customs duty.

Business value

The centralized registry of benefits and tax exemptions developed by ED has enhanced business value in the following ways:

  1. The digitalization of applications saves time and facilitates data transfer.
  2. Calculations of the impact of tax and customs relief on the state budget are made electronically.
  3. The computerization of the process minimizes the impact of the human factor and prevents possible errors.
  4. The registry allows the entrepreneur, committee and institution to track all information related to an application in their personal e-cabinet.



  • TicketService
  • AppealService
  • AccountService
  • ApiService
  • AuthService
  • FAQService
  • NotificationService
  • ReportService