
Electronification of Performance Monitoring

Client – Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population

Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population is the central executive body in the country implementing state policy in the field of labour relations, labour protection, use of labour resources, employment and social protection, including pensions and social insurance. There are six state committees under the Ministry, which cover the main areas of the Ministry’s work.

Business challenge

There was a need to ensure transparency in all areas of work of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, to reduce the time spent on inspections, and to computerize the multifaceted work done on paper. The evaluation of monitoring and delays in the consideration of appeals were giving rise to dissatisfaction.


ED created an electronic system to monitor activity that minimizes delays in the work process and other risks, and saves time. Electronic monitoring ensures transparency in the full range of  business of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection by digitizing written assessments. The newly created system can also prevent any interference in the monitoring of results.

Business value

ED’s electronic activity monitoring system has enhanced business value for the Ministry by introducing the following solutions:

  • The whole monitoring process is carried out in electronic form, not orally or on paper. This prevents interference in the results and minimizes the time spent on evaluation.
  • The system also monitors the work of the person doing the monitoring.
  • The object of monitoring is not known in the electronic system until the monitoring begins, which is designed to prevent negative developments.
  •  Electronic monitoring ensures the results of the work are disseminated in the system as soon as they are ready.


  • TicketService
  • AppealService